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Post Contract Variations

Since contract signing, these are the extra post contract variations that I've had to sign off on... 

Variation 15th May

At the time of receiving this first variation I was pretty darn frustrated. Site start was meant to be in May and here we are middle of May and they've only just done the corrections to the contract. Remember, my original site start was in MARCH!

The changes were:

  • Corrected 200mm wide wireware 2 tier slide out drawer with blumsoft closer. I was originally quoted $635 but this revised it down to $383 ($231 for the drawer and $152 for the soft closer)
  • Corrected drawings to show floorboards under shelving in store room
  • Corrected plaster void from 100mm to 1000mm from floor level in master retreat
  • Remove Hallway doors - saved $1500!
  • Updated tiling price to base off revised floorplan - saved $1000
  • Upgrade to HX35i - Got charged $1210 for this one even though I had this in my original contract at $800ish. Not happy. 
  • Update heating zone 1 to ground and zone 2 to first floor. This is because when I clarified the zoning with them, they realised that I would need to pay extra for 4 zones. Hence rezoned so that it is now just split between upstairs and downstairs. 
  • Update floors to Dusty Rock. Saw the Rustic Coffee in the Berwick Waters display and thought it was too bland.

30th May: Stair design acceptance

Apparently new regulations mean that I need to be advised that the stairs are a tripping hazard. Had to sign this:
Thank you for advising us regarding the issue with the staircase we have chosen.
We are happy to proceed with the existing staircase as proposed in the original plans. We note that there is potential tripping hazard with this design but still want to proceed with the original staircase with the angled bottom tread and rise and accept full responsibilities with this selection.

Variation 4th June

Hello, more variations when my site was meant to start in MAY! Apparently it only has to be 'handed over to construction' by 31st May and not actually site start. Really? Site start does not mean site start?

Anyway, this variation is where another team goes through and starts putting in the orders for stuff so they check through everything properly. Hello, would have saved me a few corrections and contract update rounds if this level of checking was done from the start!

  • Downgrade to Traditional roof tiles (cat 3) instead of Horizon (cat 4). The hopetoun showroom had the Horizon ones as cat 3 but apparently that is a mistake and they are in fact the more pricier cat 4. 
  • Revision to microwave cabinet and pot drawers
  • Nikles Fresh 3 function shower rail to master ensuite
  • Kado Arc 1730mm freestanding bath
  • Corrected drawings to show carpet to home theatre room
  • caroma pearl inset basin to master ensuite, ensuite 2, bathroom
  • mizu drift wall mixer and gooseneck outlet to bathroom. The outlet is meant to be the mizu spout just like the master ensuite. Need them to revise this. 
  • Corrections to powder room cabinetry colours to match other bathrooms. 
  • posh mk2 mixer and outlet to laundry
  • connection for underground instead of overhead 3 phase  power
  • 1530mm Decina Traditional Bath. They couldn't do the Mizu deep soaker tub that we chose. 
  • 1500mm high flush panel hinged and latched door to Under Stairs
  • Upgraded front entry doors from PMAD 104 to MAD 104 as these are the only ones that can be stained (+$300)
  • silk gloss finish to laundry cabinets
  • Revised setback 8335mm instead of 9m. The sitting didn't really change much. It was just where they decided to measure from. I figured it wasn't worthwhile to drag this any longer by requesting for a dispensation
  • obscure glazing to bed 2. Even though I was told that they reviewed it and I wouldn't need the obscured glazing, they changed the mind and added it back in. They charged me $96 for this even though this was already in my contract so I need to remember to get them to remove this doubling up. (Hey, every dollar counts!)
  • Blanco BSID4610X 600mm dishwasher due to discontinued product

Variation 1st July

Got this one just before they started framing. Good thing they picked this up in time!

  • revised engineering 1B3 to steel in lieu of previous laminated beam


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