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Austral Hawthorn Bricks

Here's some photos of our Hawthorn bricks. These were category 4 upgrade and costs ~$5k. The off white mortar was another $1k on top. We chose to have the rolled joints instead of a flush finish. I think the off white mortar together with the rolled joints make the bricks stand out better and have been well worth the money.

All in all, I'm quite happy with the hawthorn bricks and the overall quality of the brick laying itself. The only other brick I would have considered was the Graphite Elements ones to get that grey finish but they were a few categories above so I didn't even bother asking.

On a side note, there has been some serious miscalculation of bricks on PD's side. I have about 11 pallets left over! I've confirmed with my site supervisor that these can be left on site so I can use them later for fencing.


  1. We've picked the same bricks. They look awesome! Thanks for sharing the photos :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Being safe around your swimming pool with some frameless glass pool fencing installed will surely give you a peace of mind especially having small children playing around it!


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