We've hit dirt! Official site start was Monday 16th June! Didn't get any phone calls from the slab supervisor before hand but, to his credit, he did call after the site cut was complete. Sounds like a decent bloke and he has done a commendable job so far in responding to phone calls and listening to my concerns (mainly around the old fence where our new garage will be)
As we didn't need any dispensations, none of our neighbours received copies of our plans so, out of respect, I have provided them with a copy of the drawings anyway so they know what to expect when it is all complete.
The front:
It is a bit of a deep ~1.2m cut but hopefully once the slab is on it won't look so extreme.
The middle:
This white line is where they marked for the cutting and filling. You can also see our side fence has collapsed during demolition. Neighbour was nice and suggested we only rebuild it after the construction. I am asking PD to put on temp fencing to cover the hole for them in the mean time.
This is roughly where the alfresco meets the backyard. There will be a ~90cm fall from the alfresco down to ground level. Hopefully my eventual landscaper has some good ideas to dress this up.
Our official construction period is 10months (9months + 1month Christmas break) which brings us to an April finish. Was hoping to finish before Christmas but with the 3 month delay to our site start that is going to be a big ask.
At the end of this though, a couple months is nothing compared to getting a quality finished build. Hope it's all smooth sailing from here on in!
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